Accusations, mistaken identities, and romances run wild in this traditional, laugh-out-loud farce. Two nuns at The Sisters of Perpetual Sewing have been secretly making wine to keep the convent’s doors open, but undercover reporters are hot on their trail. Their presence, combined with the addition of a new nun, spurs paranoia throughout the convent that spies have been sent from Rome to shut them down. Wine and secrets are inevitably spilled as everyone tries to preserve the convent and reconnect with lost loves.
Cast: Kris Oswald, Dawn Marek, Jim Greene, B.J. Moeller,
Robert Kurt, Jennifer Beall, Aimee Jones, Dan Huber. Directed by Dawn Marek.
General admission seating – $15. Tickets available at the door
or call 319-435-2353 to reserve will-call tickets.