Spend a Sunday afternoon at the Coggon Opera House listening to the country sound of Ayla Brown and Rob Bellamy. They will perform a wonderful musical set full of original songs, the stories behind them, and other country and classic songs that the listeners will know and can sing along to.
Brown was an American Idol finalist while in high school (2006) in Massachusetts and music has always been a part of her life, as well as sports. She played 4 years of women’s basketball on scholarship at Boston College. After graduation she returned to music and launched a singing/songwriting career.
Bellamy, also from Massachusetts, is a professional hockey-player-turned-singer-songwriter. Rob loved music from a young age and many of his influences derive from artists like Dave Mathews and The Eagles. On his 23rd birthday he received a guitar, and from the minute he picked it up he was hooked.
They met in Nashville where they both now live. They clicked together musically and began writing songs together, recording demos, and uploading videos on Facebook and YouTube of their songs.